Purchasing Publicity


You will be contacted within 24 hours through email. Have your photos, videos, links, testimonials, text, and any other information you would like to be in your promotional blog post ready to be sent to Best of Canada so your post can be published as soon as possible! If you have any questions or concerns please email Canada.thebestof@gmail.com


Welcome to the best of Canada blog!

This blog embraces the best of Canada.
The best of Canada blog is a continuation blog meaning the best services, business, and other public features are promoted on this blog and then after it has been a year the blogs are deleted and the cycle begins again, evolving the best of Canada and keeping things fresh and new. This blog serves as a database featuring only the best in Canada and gets millions of page views a year and the readers who use this blog consist of Canadian citizens, tourists, people overseas, people interested in moving here, and people who are just curious about life in Canada. This blog gives an in depth look at the best of Canada and what we have to offer. 

*if you would like to be featured on the best of Canada you need to purchase "publicity" on the bottom of this page in the left corner. Once you have purchased publicity you will be contacted within 24 hours through email. Have your photos, videos, links, text, testimonials, and any other important information you would like on your blog post ready to be sent to the Best of Canada so that your post can be published as soon as possible! Any questions or concerns please email Canada.thebestOf@Gmail.com